Betekenis van:
demand loan
- The fact that the loan and guarantee ran until 20 May 2004 meant, in Germany's view, that this demand had been met.
- The Commission notes that the loan is limited to PLN 4 million, the amount necessary to acquire the assets needed to meet the additional demand from the Ministry of Defence.
- Do you undertake, within six months after granting the aid, to either approve a restructuring plan or a liquidation plan, or demand reimbursement of the loan and the aid corresponding to the risk premium from the beneficiary?
- Before the end of that period the EFTA State must either approve a restructuring plan or a liquidation plan, or demand reimbursement of the loan and the aid corresponding to the risk premium from the beneficiary.
- The numerous guarantees provided also reveal that they were granted on demand each time that it was claimed that EVO needed a guarantee to obtain a loan from a credit institution.
- 74 When an entity breaches a provision of a long-term loan arrangement on or before the end of the reporting period with the effect that the liability becomes payable on demand, it classifies the liability as current, even if the lender agreed, after the reporting period and before the authorisation of the financial statements for issue, not to demand payment as a consequence of the breach.
- Moreover, the loans and guarantees at issue (i.e. those that were actually put in place) were not granted in 2002 when EVO was established but later on in 2004 and 2005. The numerous guarantees provided also reveal that they were granted on demand each time that it was claimed that EVO needed a guarantee to obtain a loan from a credit institution.
- Neither can the Commission accept the arguments concerning the special features of the guarantee (see recital 47) and therefore the reduction in price on the ‘normal’ market rate, for the following reasons: (a) the fact that guarantees in Spain are normally enforceable at first request is explained by the demand for further security from the beneficiary. In the present case, however, IGAPE expressly waived its right to require any other security (after having obtained the agreement of the Galician regional government); (b) the fact that the guarantee covers only 30 % of the loan is not relevant since what matters for the guarantor is the amount of the risk; and (c) the fact that the project is promoted by groups known for their solvency is not relevant either, because these groups would not be liable for Siderúrgica Añón’s debts.